The Houston Boxer Rescue dogs! Aren't we the most precious line-up of faces you have ever seen? But even at that, somewhere along the way we stopped being important to our original owners. Or possibly we got very lost and were away so long they gave up hope. The saddest scenario is when our loving families are left with no option but to give us away. All the upheaval is confusing and scary.
We are safe now with the HBR volunteers and it feels so good to sleep with both eyes closed and a full tummy. No more do we have to scrounge for food, fight for a mere morsel, or go hungry because we won't fight. No more are we exposed to cold or rain, or the brutal summer heat. No more do we brave busy streets at our peril searching for a friendly voice. We are learning what it means to be valued and cherished. Our bodies are beginning to heal and our sweet spirits are finding their way toward trust. A safe haven provides an environment for our personalities to surface and we begin to blossom once again.
Could you be the person or family who makes our final transformation a success? Each one of us are waiting for our very own VIP! We know there are loving people out there who need a boxer to make their lives complete. Please don't make us wait too long, we have so much love to give, and life long adventures to share!